Become a member of VMCO

You can become a VMCO member as an individual, association, or business, whether you’re a Veteran or a Domestic Patriot. There is no charge to become a member. 

VMCO hosts a General Meeting on the third Thursday of the month at the Golden Corral on Shepherd of the Hills Expressway in Branson, from 12noon – 1pm. (optional lunch service starts at 11am, for $11 when registering at VMCO table) The public is invited to hear select speakers that are knowledgeable, and up to date, on Veterans Affairs.  Check our Facebook to find out more.

Click on the appropriate form below to submit your application.

Associate Membership

For Community Service Organizations, Business, or Individual.  Non-voting membership

Military Membership

For any Military Organizations, Auxilary, or Individual.  One vote per organization

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